IMP  2.0.1
The Integrative Modeling Platform

While we do not recomment doing serious work using optimizer states written it python, it is often useful when prototyping or testing code. Copy this example and modify as needed.

1 ## \example kernel/
2 ## While we do not recomment doing serious work using optimizer states written it python, it is often useful when prototyping or testing code. Copy this example and modify as needed.
4 import IMP
6 # an optimizer state which prints out model statistics.
7 class MyOptimizerState(IMP.OptimizerState):
8  def __init__(self):
9  IMP.OptimizerState.__init__(self)
10  def update(self):
11  self.get_optimizer().get_model().show_restraint_score_statistics()
13 # some code to create and evaluate it
14 k= IMP.FloatKey("a key")
15 m= IMP.Model()
16 # we don't have any real restraints in the kernel
17 r0=IMP.kernel._ConstRestraint(1)
18 r0.set_name("restraint 0")
19 m.add_restraint(r0)
20 r1=IMP.kernel._ConstRestraint(2)
21 r1.set_name("restraint 1")
22 m.add_restraint(r1)
24 os= MyOptimizerState()
25 os.set_name("python optimizer state")
26 # we don't have any optimizers either
27 co= IMP.kernel._ConstOptimizer(m)
28 co.add_optimizer_state(os)
29 m.set_gather_statistics(True)
30 # so we only see the statistics
31 IMP.base.set_log_level(IMP.base.SILENT)
32 print co.optimize(100)
34 # this is needed to clean up memory properly for some reason
35 co.remove_optimizer_state(os)
36 del os
37 del m